Join the Movement to End Israeli Apartheid! Join IJV

Join IJV during our annual membership drive!

Independent Jewish Voices Canada ( IJV) could not continue building solidarity with the Palestinian people and transforming the Canadian Jewish landscape without the courage and the energy of our members and supporters. 

We are nothing if not people-powered, and this is why for the next three weeks we will be asking people to join our organization.  If you identify as Jewish, you can join as a member, or otherwise, you can sign up as a supporter. People who join IJV, share our vision of social justice and peace for everyone in Israel-Palestine and are willing to join their voices in demanding that these values be honoured at every level of society.

By joining, you get access to national support for your local initiatives, a space to participate in a variety of working groups that focus on things like the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), our No IHRA and Together Against Apartheid campaigns, and the possibility of joining celebrations of Jewish holidays from intersectional and social justice-based perspectives. You also get access to a wide array of programming, film screenings, and information and strategy sessions offered to our members and supporters.

But beyond the benefits of joining us, we need you!  

We know that by bringing all of our strength and creativity together, we will win.  Joining IJV sends a clear political message: we cannot and will not accept Israeli apartheid. Until the day that Palestinians and Israelis both enjoy safety and equal rights, it is our obligation and opportunity to speak up and build the movement for peace and justice.